
Feeding Ourselves Holistically: A Shift in Perspective

Feeding Ourselves Holistically: A Shift in Perspective

As a holistic integrative nutrition coach, my entire focus of work is on food. This scares the heck out of a lot of people and makes it socially awkward when I’m at parties. Food is a very personal thing and there’s usually a lot of judgement and confusion around food (this is the reason I abstain from sharing what I do at social gatherings now!). But the way I see food through the lens of my work is more than what we typically think of as food. I view food as medicine, food as nourishment, food as fuel. This is a very different concept from what is commonly considered in dietetics or a diet plan. I don’t align myself with any one particular diet or dogma and I don’t count calories or macronutrients in a diet, or create meal plans.