Ep. 212 Sagittarius Full SuperMoon :: Truth, Healer’s Heart, & Fox Medicine (Solocast)


Join me on a “walkie talkie” in this experimental episode covering today’s Sagittarius Full Super Moon!

In this less polished, more raw channeling type of conversation, we’re taking a nature walk together and chatting about this beautiful super moon + Sagittarius energy alongside Neptune’s foggy influence and invitation for us to connect more deeply with our intuition and Truth.  I also share personal musings on what I’ve been channeling lately and a message for the healers out there. 

Themes include: Galactic Center, what is “healer”, healer’s heart work, intuitive exercises, & fox medicine. 

I include some intuitive practice suggestions for ritual and a call to action for the healers to connect with their Truth. 


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