{Video} 4 Steps to Breaking Thru Disconnection & Dis-ease (plus Podcast!)

Hope you had an amazing weekend and Earth Day (every day!)... I wanted to hop on and share a vulnerable message that has been circling in my heart about this time of year, PLUS 4 steps to breaking through disconnection and dis-ease so you can live your life from a place of purpose and happiness.

This was my FIRST LIVE Instastory on Instagram and for a former actor and performer who has been on stage in front of thousands of people and television (it's true, another story another time) - getting on social media LIVE was super scary for me! Ha! But I survived. And now I'd love to share with you...


I also share about the launch of my upcoming podcast (whuutt - YES).. 

Feed Your Wild Podcast COMING SOON! Stay tuned this May :)

Artwork by my AMAZING sister Amanda Rodriguez

Artwork by my AMAZING sister Amanda Rodriguez


To be the first to know about the launch of the Feed Your Wild podcast, plus get access to sneak peeks and secret audios, enter your email below to confirm your subscription and you'll be on your way.

You'll also get access to the Sacred Ecology Audio Meditation & Activation Journey to help you gain clarity on what "foods" you need right now for the nourishment of your body, mind, and soul...

I hope my share above helps you in your journey, and I'd LOVE for you to tell me what YOU are struggling with and your top health questions so that I can bring on some amazing guests to the show and give you what you want.

Comment below or email me at hello@wildlyrooted.com and tell me!