Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: Truth-Telling

Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: Truth-Telling

Your monthly Akashic Soul Record Reading:

The story of Pinocchio... and his nose. A nose that knows and grows... and grows. Long like the branch of a tree, so inviting for mama bluebird to move in with her nest and chickadees.

Nice and inviting and warm it may seem, but it’s made from an illusion, you see.

Growing bigger with each fabrication, the perception of a strong foundation...

Habitats constructed with empty promises, dishonesty and falsity impact not only you and me, but too, the naive inhabitants of this deceptive ecology.

Is your house built on lies? Pies in the sky?

Remember our dear Pinocchio, the wooden boy who wished to be real found wholeness, transformation & liberation through a journey of his own dark night of the soul...

Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: December Winter Solstice 2017

Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: December Winter Solstice 2017

Sea serpent glides through the sinewy slimy crevice, tubular caverns... is it intestines? Birth canal? Shedding of a skin?

Stillness = potentiality. In stillness we meet the serpent dragons that encircle us. Two serpent dragons appear and circulate our body as if chasing the other’s tail. The sacred hoop. Life, death, rebirth.

You command them in your stillness. From this underworld/netherworld, you ride the sea serpent into the watery depths of ..primordial sea, riding upon her back to the surface and enter the earthly realm where beauty and destruction surround you.

Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: November 2017

Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: November 2017

The cosmic egg we see again... this time its molten lava shell is hardening, rolling, and cracking amidst the surrounding flow of fire. Lava flow.

Pele emerges.

Goddess of volcanic fury, eruptive beauty, fiery temperament. She is seductive. Mesmerizing... calls us in with beauty and magnetism, like a moth to flame.

Do not play with fire,” Pele says. “Create relationship with it. Remember your ancestral connection to the rivers of fire that flow beneath your surface. There is a right way to withstand the heat, and work with it so as not to burn you. Work with it.

Mind Your Inner Ecology: Your Microbiome + Health

Mind Your Inner Ecology: Your Microbiome + Health

Nerd alert: I have a confession... I’m a total science geek and I realize many of you are too, so I’ll be sharing more posts on the science of nutrition + health, and how it all fits within the greater scope of spirituality + “feeding your wild” on all levels ;)

Fact #1: You are more bacterial DNA than you are human DNA

Fact #2: The health of your microbiome (and inner living landscape) determines your health and development of dis-ease or wellness.

Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: October 2017

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Image source: Pinterest

About Monthly Soul Nourishment Readings: Just as I weave in spiritual nourishment from the Akashic Records for my clients along with their nutritional protocols on an individual basis, I’ve been inspired to start sharing these readings in a monthly column to support the collective with general monthly themed-readings… and so Monthly Akashic Soul Nourishment Readings were born. These readings are usually filled with metaphor & symbols, so may require a bit of unraveling & might mean something different for each person, so pay attention to what comes up for you as you read on. Hope they provide value and moments of reflection in your journey. xo, V

Hot. Fiery lava, swirling as in a cauldron, liquid fire enveloping, encapsulating the body. First the feet. Then the legs. The pelvis. Beginning to harden as it cools from bottom, encasing in stone as it makes its way up… moving upward to the belly, the chest and heart… it feels suffocating and restrictive. Up the fingers, hands, arms.. Encasing the neck, then lips so you cannot speak with words. Covering the nose, so you cannot take a breath. Then the eyes so you cannot see. Then the top of the head, fully crystallizing the whole of the body – casting it in stone.

Stone people… forgotten, underground… thousands of souls captured inside, hardened in this stone, rock, rock people. So many unseen. Until now. They are every woman… every man… all people.

The hardening of the world in a stone cast, a shell, an earthen egg.

Such is this reverse development process, moving back into the golden yolk – the originating essence. The golden essence that is multiuniversal potential… embryonic, back to the beginning again to the elixir of life.

With this egg, we heal. Sing, chant, allow the egg to capture your fears, pains, untruths, purgings, density that is unfitting for you…

The essence of the egg is to bring back to mystery for healing and clearing.

Restore the truth, light, life force.

Oneness. Om. Ohm. Ω. O.

Process is underway and indiscriminate. The golden yolk is the sweet nectar of life providing nourishment and restoration, and the alchemical force that transmutes and transforms.

La Limpia ya empezó.



I have a confession. Writing the reflections is my least favorite part of the reading process  I believe it’s because the imagery, symbols, storytelling, metaphor – they are a language that cannot fully be translated, I can never do it justice. Not to mention how dense and potent they can often be – it would take me pages to reflect upon it all (and hours of research)! My hope is that you tune into your own meaning and reflection, through imagination and impression.

Having said all that, I acknowledge some words of context may be helpful… my recommendation is to sit with the reading and imagery first – much like an oracle card, then once you have tuned into what it means for you, take a look at the reflections for additional input.

The state of the world is… well… shit shows everywhere, yes? External, internal… there’s no doubt we are unearthing hidden (but not so hidden) “truths.” The process can feel suffocating and yet freeing. Painful and yet transformative. Fiery, active, nonlinear, spiraling movement and yet parallelizing.   

Funerary art.

The stone people reminded me of the Terracotta Army – soldier-and-horse funerary statues depicting the armies of the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. More than 8,000 statue soldiers and cavalry were carved and buried with the Emperor as a form of funerary art – protecting him in the afterlife. With every cycle and shedding, there is a death – and afterlife. Give thought to what you desire in your afterlife – how can you honor your life and spirit after this current cycle (whatever that may be for you) ends?


Om – sacred sound and symbol… the soul and self… universal truth, the all and everything… mystic syllable and vibration that carries all. The Word of God.

Ohm – the measurement of power as a function of resistance. Resist… resist…

Ω – 24th and last letter in Greek alphabet, literally meaning “great O”… the extreme, the final part, the end.

Oneness. We are re-membering our Oneness (which has only been forgotten in our minds).

O – The sacred circle. Totality, original perfection, infinite, cyclic, whole, perfection, self, God.

La Limpia – egg cleansing.

This is an ancient form of shamanic healing practiced in Mesoamerica by curanderos (healers). In the cleansing, the raw egg is run over the person’s body by the healer to release stuck, stagnant, and negative energies as the egg acts like a sponge. In relationship with nature and guided by spirit and intuition, the healer utilizes the properties of the egg to heal, open and bring individuals back to balance. This process is powerful and effective, yet not a panacea and requires multiple sessions for stronger effect – each time, the healee is able to increase and sustain their transformation and ability to maintain a higher vibrational state. In this same way, we – our world – will require a continual process and cycle of healing. Yet with each round – given that we honor and effect change within our lives and systems to maintain these positive shifts – we will be able to maintain the highest vision we have for ourselves and the world.



2 revolutionary ways to support yourself in crazy times like these…

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First, I want you to know that I see you and I honor you.

The past 2 months have been “heavy” to say the least. The impact of the recent natural disasters has been far-reaching, and even if you don’t have direct connections to folks and places that have been impacted, we still feel it collectively. My family is from Puerto Rico – both sets of grandparents came to Chicago to raise their families and make a living that supported their future generations (including me  I still have family and friends on the island and the shit show that’s happening over there is devastating for so many, and incredibly frustrating to watch from afar… unable truly help in the way that I would like but attempting to support them in the ways that I can.

Then there’s the recent Las Vegas shooting and the fires that are currently decimating parts of California including homes and businesses, and so many other catastrophes that just bring us to our knees. And that’s not even including the personal “hurricanes” that we may be experiencing in our individual lives.

As we navigate this thing called life, and the tumultuous waves of change engulfing our experience and breath, it’s even THAT much more important that we (1) radically nourish ourselves so we can be fully present and able to do our part, and (2) fiercely support inclusion – inclusion of ALL people, ideas, stories, beings…


Radical self-nourishment

Yea yea, here’s the self-care talk again, right? Well, yes. I can’t stress how imperative it is to nourish ourselves NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES. Of course, this is going to look different depending on what is going on in your life… i.e. if you don’t have power or water and are in survival mode, if you’ve lost your home or a loved one, then self-nourishment is going to look different than when you were experiencing less arduous times. I’m not talking about “spa days” or other out-of-reach luxuries. What the heck does radical self-nourishment look like when you’re dealing with life-altering circumstances or pain-staking challenges?

It looks like…

…taking 2 minutes to take deep cleansing breaths

…appreciating the beauty within the hardship – there is always beauty

…holding your child a minute longer

…hydrating and bathing your body and cells regularly with filtered or spring water

…allow the tears to flow and release your pain

…honoring all beings & the earth by choosing consciously grown and raised food when possible

…sending prayers, donations, money, waves of support to those who need them more than you do

…smell and take in the perfection of a flower or herb medicine

…telling your family and friends that you love them

…face yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you love YOU

Everything is temporary, and there are no guarantees in life. But as long as you are on this Earth walk, one constant is your need for nourishment for your body, mind, and soul. No exceptions.


Fiercely support Inclusion

In a recent Akashic Record monthly circle I’m apart of, we talked about the concept and essence of inclusion, which came about as a theme.

Inclusion is a revolutionary concept in and of itself these days… think about it – how many of our systems and structures are based on exclusion and exclusivity? We can see this obviously with wealth distribution in the US, where the richest 1% own more wealth than the bottom 90%. At least 11% of the global population is hungry – excluded from access to food, despite there being more than enough (and so much waste). I could go on.

The point, however, is that inclusion is an ancient remedy for restoring health to the whole – on the personal and community level. It’s a way of “re-membering” ourselves and all our relations to restore whole-ness.

That’s what tribal living was all about – and excommunication (i.e. exclusion from the tribe and community) was essentially a death sentence. Our biology and cellular memory, then, tells us that exclusion = death, and inclusion = health and wholeness.

I’ve been thinking a lot about these 2 concepts, and working on ways to incorporate these into my life and business model in a sustaining, and life-affirming way. I encourage you to take these ideas into your life and health plan, and I’d love to hear the different ways radical self-nourishment and fierce inclusion show up in your experience and how they make a difference for you and others. 


Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: September 2017


About Monthly Soul Nourishment Readings: Just as I weave in spiritual nourishment from the Akashic Records for my clients along with their nutritional protocols on an individual basis, I’ve been inspired to start sharing these readings in a monthly column to support the collective with general monthly themed-readings… and so Monthly Akashic Soul Nourishment Readings were born. These readings are usually filled with metaphor & symbols, so may require a bit of unraveling & might mean something different for each person, so pay attention to what comes up for you as you read on. Hope they provide value and moments of reflection in your journey. xo, V


Warrior princesses. Hurricanes. Fires. War. Sacred Spirals.

A woman in an ancient bamboo forest holds sacred ceremony, we see her through the bamboo sticks as she takes a ladle filled with golden liquid light and pours it into another container and stirs… swirling… spiral… alchemy of the universe inside this tiny vessel.

“Take great care and prepare, warrior princesses. Our weaving is that of a warrior’s cape, the collective weaving is a battle tapestry of light workers. We individually cannot see the whole picture. The vantage point of each being is different (which is the point) and we won’t be able to “see” the whole as it is in process of creation – we must come together for the vision to be seen. It’s like the weaving of a fire blanket, it needs to be big enough and takes time to create in order to extinguish the biggest fire we have encountered yet. Seek out the masters of weaving. The golden thread. The connection of chakras of Mama Earth. Weave. Do your part.”


Wolverine shows up.

“Do not be afraid. Call upon all of us – war is coming. Singing your songs is weaving. It is time to reveal your gifts and inner treasures. Come out of hiding. Be focused and determined.”


Sacred Spirals.

“Drawing spirals in the sand with a wooden staff, the stirring of elements. Hurricanes, tornadoes, fires… Winds are shifting, changing, up-leveling.

Sacred Spirals. Life cycle – birth, embodied life experience, flight, death, transmutation.

Snake medicine.

Your life is a prayer. What are you praying for?


Alright, this one is a biggie and was a challenge for me to piece together for you…

Often times my readings will incorporate elements of my experience of the actual days before and after – as if my daily experiences are part of the reading even when I have not accessed the Akashic formerly (since there is no actual “space time” in this realm, it makes sense that these elements from a different time or day would be woven in as part of the reading). In this reading, I was shown “flashbacks to these moments” – in the days before and after I had seen a caterpillar, then the following morning found a lifeless butterfly. Along the same morning meditation walk, I also came across a lifeless snake. Birth, life, death, transmutation. The cycles, spirals of life…

In the ancient Andean worldview, all events in the universe or group of universes follow a spiral. Pachakuti, according to don Oscar Miro-Quesada (curandero, teacher, and transpersonal psychologist), is “‘world reversal’ or ‘world revolution;’ an Inka notion of a shift in spiritual, magnetic, and energetic currents of the Earth brought about by a critical mass or matrix of high-vibration transformed and transformational consciousness (usually human), causing massive upheavals and cosmic changes in both the activities and consciousness-reality paradigm of humanity and leading to a distinct, more “whole” or all-encompassing world and world-view.”

With the spiral, everything “returns” periodically in cycle but with major qualitative leaps forward. Rutgerd Boelens writes: It is believed that violent breaks or cataclysms can happen to re-establish the cycle/spiral hydro-cosmology… catastrophes shake up the “Kay Pacha” or “this world,” the realm of consensus reality.

Obviously with the natural disasters, denial of climate change, the spiraling of our collective consciousness as we move forward… then feeling as though we move backward again, all of this imagery and messaging felt poignant and urgent. We are at war. But it may be a different war than we anticipate or expect. Nonetheless, we are called to witness the sacred spiral cycle and cosmic forces, acknowledge and take ownership of our role in this process, and “weave” together fearlessly by showing up, in an authentic and unapologetic way.

Seek out the masters of weaving.” All lineages and cultures had master weavers (roles traditionally held by women) – basket weavers, textile weavers, storytellers, etc. We also have our animal teachers such as Spider from whom we all learned. This is a directive to turn to our great ancestors, indigenous peoples, living wisdom keepers of this knowledge, craft, and understanding, as well as the new “masters of weaving” of today (whomever that may be) for guidance, support, and teachings.

We are weaving a new story – at the individual and collective levels and must weave together.

Wolverine represents fearlessness and ferocity – rising to the challenge.

Butterfly represents beauty, transformation, and change.

Snake represents shedding of our illusions and limitations, death, and rebirth.

It’s time to take care of yourself so you can show up… and live every moment of your life as if it was a prayer. It all matters.


Interested in a personal Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading + inquiry? Email hello@wildlyrooted.com for session details and scheduling.