Ep. 151 {SOLO} New Moon in Leo :: The Transformative Fire in our Hearts & Bellies


Happy New Moon! In this solo/moon musing episode, I get fired up and emotional as I share my perspective on this new moon in Leo, the state of the world, and our role in it. I share the major lessons I learned from my recent (and humbling) canker sore outbreak, the energetic influences of this new moon, the heart-gut connection and the power of fire (our agni) to transmute the pain and muck into medicine. 

This powerful and fiery new moon in Leo inspires us to burn perennially, without burning up or burning out, and asks us to step into leadership within our lives through compassion, creativity, and passion.

Collectively and individually, we are being called to look at what’s been lurking in our dark spaces so we can experience them from a different vantage point and transmute it with clarity, discernment, and love. I discuss eradication versus regeneration, the concept of “pruning and sprouting”, and ways we can start nourishing the inner ecology of our heart & gut, including herbal allies and stone medicine.

You have a powerful role to play in this new world. In order to do so, you MUST tend to your body, your heart, your energy, and your GUT!

That’s why I created my upcoming program Feed Your Wild GUT... an 8 week online experience that provides a truly holistic approach to healing the gut. It’s designed to support healers, helpers, & change-makers cultivate wild harmony in the gut so you can build resilience, boost vitality, and connect with your intuition & personal power for radical transformation.

If you’re interested in joining us, click the link below to read more! (Doors close this week)…

In Feed Your Wild Gut, together we explore the physiological, mystical, multidimensional and powerful nature of your gut— aka the Gatekeeper.

From functional nutrition & herbal medicine to energy healing + clearing, microbiome tending to soul reclamation, Feed Your Wild Gut offers a balanced blend of science, natural therapies & intuitive + energetic approaches.

Who is this program for?

Wild-hearted helpers, healers, creative change-makers who experience physical symptoms like chronic digestive challenges, low energy, anxiety, brain fog, etc. that are holding you back... You’re feeling stuck + unclear about next steps toward living your Purpose and struggle with motivation... You’re ready to stop second guessing yourself all of the time and start trusting your intuition. This is open to anyone who has been seeking guidance in gut wellness and spiritual counsel, all levels of knowledge welcome.

When: Price goes up August 19! Doors close August 21. We’ll begin our journey together August 26.

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Wildly Rooted Resources

Get Wildly UNSTUCK: Mastering the Mindset of Health

Get access to this 6-module audio program for free!

You’ll learn the top 5 things sabotaging your health goals and what to do about them (hint: it doesn't have to do with your willpower...) 


Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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