Ep. 81 Indigenous Right Relationship Building & Unspoken Truths Living Through Us with Pulxaneeks


Having just observed 4th of July, aka Independence Day in the US, this interview with Pulxaneeks (Pul-ha-neeks), founder of Heart to Heart Indigenous Relations Consultation is both timely and meaningful. Pulxaneeks’ work supporting us in remembering these kinds of connections, that we belong to Mother Earth, and what it means to be in right relationship with Mother Earth as well as with Indigenous people, is critical and important to highlight as it relates to all of these seemingly unrelated areas such as health.

In this interview, we explore her work in Indigenous Allyship Training, whole-hearted understanding of what it means to be in right relationship with Indigenous peoples & what right use of privilege is & how to cultivate it. We talk about the power of asking heart-based questions and how many of us are waking up to the displaced and unprocessed grief that many of us carry from our own lineages.

Pulxaneeks reminds us that we’ve each been colonized at some point in our lineage, and the long term impact of this on our life experience and relationships. She shares how this affects being in Right Relationship with Indigenous People  and what’s at the heart of cultural appropriation. This conversation extends far beyond this hour-long dialogue, starting with a deep intake process that allowed me to reflect on these issues within my own life experience, and continues to provoke questions and awareness long after. I hope it inspires helpful reflections for you!

Pulxaneeks (Pul-ha-neeks) is from the Eagle Clan of the Haysla First Nation located on the northwest coast of the place now called Canada.

Her path of being a group facilitator, program designer & event producer was sparked 19 years ago & has been applied in a wide diversity of ways throughout her life.

Her background includes cultural based youth outreach with First Nations youth who are considered ‘high risk’, Elder Care & Child Care.

Her passion for contributing to the future generations has made her a community oriented entrepreneur & visionary of next paradigm change. This has resulted in her most recent development called “Heart to Heart - Indigenous Relations Consultation”, which is based entirely on the unique understanding that has come from being exposed to both Indigenous & Settler decent cultures.

Pulxaneeks is a living, loving result of the coastal Indigenous village that raised her & all that survived in the lineage she was born to. She honours the Elders, Mentors and huge family whose love she is a living result of and the Ancestors whose strength and resilience is flowing through her veins.

Show Notes

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How Pulxaneeks’ work is rooted in her roots

  • The enlightening intake process Pulxaneeks asks all those with whom she’ll work with, and the power of asking questions

  • How grief showed up for me as I engaged Pulxaneeks’ questions related to my own ancestors

  • How many of us are waking up to the displaced and unprocessed grief that many of us carry from our own lineages

  • What does it mean to be “in right relationship” with indigenous peoples and the land

  • Starting out with ancestry and intergenerational trauma and how not all cultures have a place to bring the grief and trauma, allowing it to impact everything

  • Considering how we have ALL been colonized in some way within our own lineages, and looking at the trauma that our own ancestors have carried over generations

  • Pulxaneeks’ belief that things will come up when it’s time and ready, and the importance of having silence 

  • Her advice to those that are not connected to their lineage or where/whom they come from

  • How the trauma that you are experiencing in your current life is related to your lineage’s trauma

  • How to recognize privelege, what is right use of privlege and alleviating the shame of having it

  • Whole-hearted understanding of what it means to be in right relationship with Indigenous peoples

  • What’s at the heart of cultural appropriation

  • Call out culture and the need for community 

  • The importance of being willing to be called out and do the work

  • Why having a basic understanding of trauma and conscious communication is critical when engaging in ancestry work and Indigenous relationship building

  • Pulxaneeks’ personal story and the helpful practices and therapies that helped her with her own trauma

  • Her advice to devote a time at least twice a month to become “timeless together” and to hear one another deeply and fully

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